Friday, March 27, 2009

An Alright Day

School was annoying cuz I suck at Chem quiz. lol
And I was tired because of the Track meet at Andrew Hill yesterday. I fell asleep on the track there. And also when I got home. I freaking turned in my computer science assignment 11 minutes late after 12AM >_<

But yeah, track practice as usual. But this time, we played a game where if you got tagged, you do 25 push ups. I hid under the shed for like 30 mins ahaha,. but it got boring, so I got out, and was tagged 6 times: 150 push ups >_< Doug tagged me 4 times. wtf. its cool its cool

Then I checked out the swim meet. I need to go swimming now. My body is so messed up from just running omfg.

Just did some weights and ab workouts when I got home at 6:30 xD

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Today, I went to SAT class at SJSU. It was boring. Well the math teacher was. After that crap, I went and got new pills. For track. For my injury. I took one. It didn't seem to work. FAIL.

Then I went to go buy some new Track Shoes. They look pretty awesome. I just need to buy the proper metal spikes. And should there be a spike or no spike down in the middle? And I think I had another question bothering me, but I forgot. O well alalala.

I should participate in FANTASTICS next year. xP
What is this blog you speak of?