Saturday, January 17, 2009

Overwhelmed by Influence and Greatness from Sacramento CTC

So today, some of my friends from KEY Club went to Sacramento for CTC, Candidate Training Conference. It's about learning how to be and run for Lieutenant Governor, which is sort of like a club president for multiple schools in your district. I was thinking about running for that position for a while, because the experience I have gained and the great people I have met from being an officer in our school's KEY Club has introduced me to the other KEY Clubs and key clubbers outside our own club. I wanted to expand on this and also to meet other great people and bring some ideas I have in my head, but it's hard for me, and I never get it done. Maybe that is why some people look at me and think I'm lazy or whatever? Honestly, the things that go through my head, I wish I could just go out and say it, but it gets too emotional for me when I think about it.

Well, after a long trip to Sacramento, we arrived at the place where CTC was held. Again, I was too shy to go and meet some new people whom I could be great friends with. Sometimes I seem like loud or crazy, y'know? But that's only because the energy I get from other people put me into that mood. Otherwise, I'm just quiet and shy.

So during CTC, there were many workshops that teach you about being a LTG and proper attire and presentation and whatnot. I, however, was most inspired by the LTGs who presented the public speaking workshop. They were true pros in what they did. Making the whole room laugh and also making their talking so engaging. Something I wish I could do automatically. They answered random questions from the top of their heads, incredible answers that I could not have come up with even if you gave me five hours instead of one minute. I guess they worked very hard to get that far.....and look at me.

We had some practice with public speaking, with some LTGs in our small group asking us questions relating to KEY club, and I failed compared to the other peoples' responses. I can't believe how amazing their answers were, and they only had about five seconds to think of an answer. Makes me wonder if i am truly prepared for a position like LTG...

Especially near the end of CTC, where they held a mock caucus, and all the volunteers, man, their one minute speeches and answers to random and rediculus questions like: entertain me for 30 seconds, and "Compare KEY Club to a toilet." Oh man, their answers were incredible. It was like they already had the answers before they got up there. Inspired me sooo much.

But with all of this, I'm thinking even more about if i really want to run for LTG. If I could become a LTG. If I wil bring about good changes to all these Key Clubs in our district. I met some of the people who are running, and man, they truly know their stuff and can do what is needed of them. Especially the person running for LTG in our district. Very very qualified for the position. And makes me compare myself. I have what it takes in me; I always think to myself in my head, and I think of all the opportunities that I have passed up, how I could have been someone who contrubuted more to his school and community, more of a person than what the garbage I am now. All these inspirational speeches I ALWAYS make in my head, no one ever hears about it, only me. And I DO get inspired by it. If only, I could show everyone one else, what I can do, and if only I could speak like an inspirational speaker to everyone in a room instead of only to myself in my head.

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