Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blogging Takes Too Long

Yeah, I don't do homework anymore lol. Loss of motivation. And blogging takes too much time from me doing nothing.

Last Saturday, was Conclave for Key Club. Yay wore $210 clothes ahaha. And then Santana Row after. Yay, using money that should be going to DCON xDD

Well today, I went to a Packaging Industry workshop at SJSU. Yeah, it's about boxes. That's what I thought too. Wow, boxes, how fun. But it really became so interesting and complex. I touched all thes eocmplex machines for testing shock and vibration limits, and compression calculations and some loud machines.

There was also a machine that allowed you to simulate aging by changing and increasing the temperature and pressure and humidity. Pretty intense stuff. And I learned how you can manipulate the formation of the special paper name for paper that would increase the durability of the box. Pretty hardcore.

The lab just looked like a big playground for adults playing with making boxes. lol

There are only about 10 Universities nation-wide that have a program in Packaging. In California, only SJSU and Cal Poly SLO. But SJSU has a dynamic laboratory, it was a cool lab. All the students in the program have internships, all companies need and hire packaging people. $20 a hour while at college is pretty good. And the teacher, has never not had a job. Literally 100% employment rate lol.

Pretty interesting, but you'd probably not believe it unless you saw. xP

Yeah, so these past days, I keep staying up till one in the morning, and have not done any homework at all. Bad bad. But I don't see the reason, and the will to go on with this no more.

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